Jonny Olsen


Forest Tech Blog

The Tech Blog is a CMS-style blog site designed specifically for developers to publish their articles, blog posts, and share their thoughts and opinions on various technical concepts, recent advancements, and new technologies. It provides a platform for developers to engage with the tech community and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Project Image

Key Features

User Authentication:
User registration and login functionality to secure the site and provide personalized experiences. Encrypted user credentials for enhanced security.

The homepage displays existing blog posts, if any have been posted, allowing users to explore recent articles. Navigation links for easy access to the homepage, dashboard, and login/logout options.

User Dashboard:
The user dashboard provides a personalized space for each user, showcasing their previously created blog posts. Users can add new blog posts directly from the dashboard, providing a seamless content creation experience.

Blog Post Management:
Users can create new blog posts by adding a title and contents through a user-friendly interface. The blog post creation automatically saves the post and updates the user dashboard. Existing blog posts can be updated or deleted from the user dashboard, providing complete control over published content.

Commenting System:
Each blog post allows users to leave comments, fostering interaction and discussions. Comments are saved and displayed alongside the blog post, showcasing the comment creator's username and the date created.

Automatic Session:
Timeout To ensure security, users who are idle on the site for an extended period are prompted to log in again before performing actions such as adding, updating, or deleting posts.

Tools Used

Handle Bars
Express JS
Node JS